Customer Testimonials

Very nice quality, service & staff.

Sunita D

Excellent service, friendly staff.

Mel C

High quality work. Highly recommend.

Polyanna G

Great staff! Love the work.

Acacia R

Excellent quality! Great service!

Victor R

Excellent products and customer service!

Cleo S

They solved my problem with shirts for my personnel at once. Class A+ professionals.


Next day service, very professional and reasonably priced. Thanks Mell.

Jeramy M

I recommend!!! great service and quality.

Márcio C

Perfect faster than anyone I called !! Price is soooo fair !!!!

Cheryl M

They work with you on your design and fair prices on their embroidery.

Doce R

Excellent customer service, quality, pricing and turn around. I wish I had found this place sooner.

Dayse V

I couldn't be more satisfied with their incredible customer support and the final product.

Roberto B

Great customer service, pricing and speedy delivery! Our uniforms look very professional!

Paulo S

They are very friendly and do their job very well, I recommend them 100%

Nayibe M

They did amazing job. Very happy with the quality of their work!

Gedida S

Thank you for the best service and product! I will definitely call again.

Jennifer D

T-Shirt Society is my go to business for company uniforms. The owner works with me to ensure all items are printed exactly how I needed.

Elisangela S

The shirts were high quality. I highly recommend buying from T-shirt Society. They know customer service.

Hora C

They helped us with last minute products for a trade show. Will certainly use this company again! Thank you!

Bira T

What a great business! They provided exactly what I wanted! Call me a satisfied customer!

Rosangela B

Overall great experience!! They are very knowledgeable, attentive and helpful!! Highly recommended!!

Luciana Speed Print

The staff is really friendly and everything was done timely. I will definitely return for my next order!

Priscila P

Their job is really fantastic! Good quality, price, nice support !!! Simply loved it!!!


Great company, very understanding and helpful staff. The quality and the turn around time was quick.

Weliton S

Highly recommendable! They are very friendly and their work is absolutely high standard.

Maximize Business Consulting

Excellent job. The logo and colors were perfectly matched. I will go back again to get more shirts done.

OG Enterprises

Great Customer Service. Great Work . I’m very happy with my scrubs.

Shuquia P

I am really impressed with this team. They managed to gather great quality, price and speed! I am very happy to have met you.

VIP Eyelashes

I recommend tshirt company for everyone who want a great quality of services!! I love the uniform!! Thank you so much!

Priscila S

I have been purchasing promotional products from T-Shirt Society for a couple of years now. They are always courteous and help me find products that enhance my brand and fit my budget.

Marta T

I embroidery my Golden Bone Pet Grooming logo in shirts and it was great, the attention was excellent, they are the best in Orlando! Thank you!

Carolina M

If you want a good and efficient company to order your T-shirts or uniforms this is the place. TShirt Society Group LLC is the best on the market, excellent quality, excellent customer service and excellent professionals.

Edna F

Mercia was helpful, shirts and embroidery of very good quality! I recommend!!!

Raquel C

Great customer service. We had T-Shirt Society make hats and shirts for our business. I highly suggest using them if you need shirts or hats, they are AWESOME!

Adriana S

These guys are doing an excellent job! Amazing Customer service and high quality of all things they do. I’ve ordered T-shirts, polos, hats, jackets... Thank you Mercia and Carlos.

Fabiola C

T-Shirt Society is the best place to go to if you need products for your business or club. The services and products are top quality . The owner is very approachable she worked with me to ensure all items were printed exactly the way we needed. We highly recommend Tshirt Society Group LCC they are the best!

Edna F

Mercia is super professional and fast. She will work with your budget and is very straightforward. She won't fool you and make you lose time. So even if you have a short time line. She is the one. I will use her again and strongly recommend.

Eduardo B

She does amazing work! Quick turn around, very professional and great quality. Will definitely use her services and recommend her.

Andrea W

This was the first time ordering shirts for our business and we couldn’t be happier. Designing then was easy, the price was right, the quality was exactly what we expected. You were GREAT! Everyone loved the shirts. Thank you for helping us make our deadline. Matter of fact you delivered a day earlier than we agreed upon.


Fantastic company, very good service, I needed t-shirts at night, I got in touch, I sent the logos and the other day they were ready, less than 24h and we were with the whole team with the new uniforms. recommend and guarantee the high standard of service and quality.

Lucio M

Most amazing experience I have ever had with a company. Excellent quality and craftsmanship and very reasonably priced. Highly recommend trying them out.

Dean D

Found T-Shirt Society online and decided to give them a try since they’re local embroidery company near my Orlando store. What a breath of fresh air!! They are easy to deal with and provided great products at reasonable prices. Strongly recommend this company to anyone trying to get shirts with a company logo done.

Liliana F

Amazing experience! I had my scrub tops embroidered for work and wow they look fantastic! Great quality at an unbeatable price! Will be using again!

Danielle A

Awesome service! Fast, the fastest ever! We've decided for the embroidered t-shirts on a Saturday, I googled for a company, this one popped up, they answered us on the same day and Monday the order was ready! Excellent quality, outstanding customer care! Approved and recommended!

Helena B

We have been doing business with Mercia at Tshirt Society for the past 2 years. She is always able to find the best quality shirts, jackets and hats at the best possible prices and the turnaround time is quick. The embroidered logos look great on every product we have gotten from her. She has even embroidered Christmas stockings for my son and daughter-in-law and they turned out amazing! If you are in the Central Florida area, you should definitely give her a call!

Belinda S

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